On-Campus 资源

  • 学生, 教师/工作人员 服务 •奥德姆库: Check out various services offered by •奥德姆库, including reserving a study space and assistance for research/dissertation for students, and library instruction for faculty/工作人员. 
  • New Media Center: Located on the first floor of •奥德姆库, bet365亚洲官网 students, 工作人员, and faculty can visit the NMC for creative media production (lab), 印刷(2 d & 3D), workshops, and equipment loan. 

Online 资源

Georgia Educators

Many of LTWD programs are aligned to GaPSC (Georgia Professional Standards Commission) educator standards: 领导 (Tier I, Tier II), 服务 (Instructional Technology, Media 专家), 支持 (Online Teacing). Completing these programs will prepare you to add a field/endorsement 和/或 upgrade an existing certificate, as one of GaPSC's application requirements.


Department 资源