We ask you to please consider being a scholarship patron by contributing additional dollars to our scholarship fund that helps tremendously as we recruit top quality students to our program.  As a scholarship patron you at the Platinum, 钻石, 金, 银, or Angel levels, you automatically receive admissions to all of our productions of the season. You can use your admissions as you see choose.  If you can't make a production, bring a friend to another.  We ask that you make an advance reservation so we know which production, performance date and number of tickets you will need.

To purchase a patronage, visit our online box office beginning Tuesday, September 3, or call the box office during regular box office hours (2 -5 pm, Monday-Friday plus the Saturday preceding and during the run of each production; 229.333.5973) on Tuesday, September 3 or mail in your purchase (details below).  

Your name will be listed in our playbills for the productions of the season (unless you wish to remain anonymous.)  Contributions can be made in the following categories. 

Table of prices for patronages, memberships + support of our scholarship & support fund.


Total Amount

with purchase via TicketReturn


Platinum Benefactor:

10 admissions

$910.02 potential tax deduction


钻石 Benefactor:

10 admissions

$660.02 potential tax deduction


金 Benefactor:

10 admissions

$410.02 potential tax deduction


银 Benefactor:

10 admissions

$160.02 potential tax deduction


Supporting Benefactor:

5 admissions

$102.01 potential tax deduction


To purchase memberships, visit the online box office (see link above), call the box office during regular operating hours, or simply write a check in the amount of value of the patronage you wish to contribute made payable to bet365亚洲官网 Theatre & 跳舞. Then mail the check to:

H. Duke Guthrie
bet365亚洲官网 Theatre & 跳舞 
1500 N. Patterson St.
瓦尔多斯塔, GA 31698

include your and email address and name as you want it listed in the season's donor listing, as we send season correspondence and streaming access information electronically throughout the year.